Terms & Conditions

Quotation Validity: 30 days from quotation date

1.   Next steps

·Upon acceptance of this quote and tentative date agreed for work to be carried out, Skypxl will create a AVCRM or similar Flight – Mission plan

Flight Plan and if required a JSA (Job Site Analysis) and/or Risk Assessment. If required and agreed upon, a pre-flight site reconnaissance will be performed.

 We will liaise with you through this process.

2.   48 Hours prior to Mission / Flight / Job

48 hours prior to scheduled Mission / Flight / Job we will check impending weather and if all clear will confirm via email job is confirmed.

3.   Mission / Flight / Job Delays

If we are unable to complete Mission / Flight / Job on the day scheduled due to unforeseen external factors such as changes to project, no site access, EMF interference, comms offline, extreme wind, rain, fire, flooding, industrial action, COVID19 quarantine additional charges may be incurred. 24 hour stand down will be implemented.

Client to be advised as soon as possible of such an event for further instruction.

4.   Data Processing & Sharing

·All processed data will be shared via a cloud-based service such as GDRIVE - Dropbox - OneDrive - Sync - Box.

Data can be provided on a portable SSD / External Hard drive (client to supply) All acquired and processed data is the property of BConnex Pty Ltd (ABN: 86 621 435 381) T/A Skypxl and Skypxl - Aerial Intelligence until invoice is paid in full.

5.   Dense Vegetation

Dense vegetation can impact the set out of GCP'S and the accuracy of photogrammetry, all vegetation / infrastructure is not cleaned from .las and .dxf files in post processing. (DSM)

6.    Also see pxlproductions Terms & Conditions click here